Portfolio. Some of my projects.


Cross Roads Blog

My very first project during web development bootcamp which focuces on the best practice usage of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This also focuses on the responsive web design or mobile first approach.

html css bootstrap



A personal website created via JEKYLL, the static website generator of Ruby. The focus on this project is more on the markup language and manual meta data tagging.

html css bootstrap jekyll

PinoyTrip Blog MNL

Pinoy Trip Blog Manila

A WordPress blog born out of custom theme development. It's a project combination of web development, deployment, content creation, SEO, and analytics.

html css bootstrap wordpress seo google analytics google tag manager

SEO & Analytics. First SEO baby.

SEO and Analytics

My hands on experience in ranking a website created from ground up. The website is developed with best structure suitable for SEO which helped gained stable to growing organic searches and got approved for Google Adsense in a span of 8 months.

google analytics google search console semrush search engine optimization yoast google tag manager

Contact. Get in touch.

image of envelope in different colors